General operating Instructions for Electro System Generators
Before you start your rented generator
- Ensure that where you park the generator is
- Outside
- Has enough clearance and ventilation around the generator
- Is on a solid flat surface
- Check that the park break is on
- Always check that the generator has sufficient fuel (regardless of what you have been told)
- Ensure that the generator is properly earthed.
To start the Generator
- Open the panel and make sure
- Turn the key to ON
- Ensure that the main breaker is OFF ie in the down position
- Press the power button
- Allow the genset at least 30 seconds to warm up
- You can then turn the main breaker to ON, i.e. up
Turning the Generator off
- First switch the main breaker back to the off position
- Allow the generator at least 2 minutes to cool down
- Press the power button once – the genset will automatically go into a cool down period
- Turn the key back into the off position